Transfiere reached its eighth edition. Pythagoreans called the number eight “Ogdoad” and considered it the “little holy number”. The number 8 is a lucky number in China. It takes eight minutes for the sun’s light to reach the earth.
More than 150...
Jensen Localization was there visiting clients and providers and meeting new potential collaborators.
A well-organized event in one of the most luxurious venues in Warsaw, the Hilton Hotel.
Thumbs up for the organizers. However, this was the reason why...
Jensen Localization participated in the 9th edition of the Greencities, Forum of Urban Intelligence and Sustainability, that took place on the 25th and 26th of April 2018.
Greencities is an event that connects all the businesses involved in Smart Cities...
Transfiere reached its seventh edition and this number brings hidden virtues, according to Hippocrates this number is related to life and changes since the Moon changes phase every seven days and has an exponential influence on all the creatures that inhabit...
Malaga Innovation festival took place on 7th and 8th of June 2017. This festival united the 8th edition of Greencities and the 1st edition of Hi!Drone Technology, the Technological Drone Fair in Andalusia, a meeting place for companies and professionals...