Sometimes a translation of your text is not enough. The solution? Localisation. According to the Globalization and Localization Association (GALA), localisation is “the process of adapting a product or content to a specific location or market”. In other...
The Trade Fairs and Congress Center of Malaga – Fycma – hosted the Mediterranean Real Estate Showroom, SIMed 2017, from November 10 to 12.
More than 150 professionals from the real estate, construction, architecture and interior design sectors have come...
On Friday, June 21st Isabel Guijarro Bonald, Manuel Blanquet and Manuel Fernández attended Gamepolis, a video game event held in Malaga that has been celebrated every year for the last five years.
The event was born in 2013, and since the first edition, it...
It was the first time that Jensen Localization took part at the Translation and Localization Conference in Warsaw, Poland.
There were a lot of interesting workshops, conferences and a lot of great people willing to make new contacts and networks.
With an amazing concurrence, Elia Together demonstrated one more time that this is a great place to increase and strengthen relations in between translation agencies, translators and other industry members. The organization was good, in a great hotel with...