Hi Martine, where are you from and how many languages do you speak?
I’m from the southeast of Norway and speak mainly Norwegian and English. However, I am practicing Spanish and Korean.
What have you studied so far?
I have a bachelor's...
Companies that have built an inclusive culture are twice as likely to attain or surpass financial targets and 1.7 times as likely to be efficient and innovative. They also have a higher likelihood of attaining better business results compared to those that...
Employee wellbeing plays an instrumental role in the success of any company. It leads to higher employee engagement, improved job satisfaction, and enhanced productivity. It also lowers the costs of staff turnover. But to achieve all these benefits, you must...
This year, Jensen Localization paid its first visit to the XIII Technological Fair of the National Association of Telecommunications Operators and Internet Services (AOTEC 2019).
On this occasion, our Engineer and Development Manager at Jensen Localization...
Our blog contains many different articles about the translation industry and Jensen Localization as a company. But we want to give you a closer insight of our staff both professionally and personally.
Today’s interview is with our Assistant General...