Twentieth edition of the Salon H&T, Fycma, Malaga


9 February, 2018

Logo Salon HyT

The Salon H&T turned 20 years old and does not stop offering new opportunities for innovation in the sectors linked to the hotel trade and tourism.

Jensen Localization has participated this year for the first time in this event and has been pleasantly surprised – because the event has involved several companies that in their daily activities require translation services.

Welcome SalonHyT 2
Welcome to Salon H&T.

– Manufacturers of machinery for hotels and restaurants, which need translating of their user manuals, documentation, and marketing campaigns. As well as interpretation services to communicate with foreign clients and investors.

– Trade associations, who need translating of their informative brochures, documents, and other materials to contact their foreign investors and partners.

– Media agencies, which need translating of the subtitles of the videos they make for businesses to attract tourists and foreign investors.

– Food industry (wines, cheeses, oils, fruits, fish, etc.) which need translating of their tags, envelops and documents to export their products.

– Software developers for bars and restaurants, who need translating of their programs into several languages so owners and workers of bars and restaurants both local and international can use these applications. As well as translating of marketing campaigns to promote their products internationally.

– Restaurants, bars, and shops that need translating of letters, brochures and marketing materials to reach potential customers from all corners of the world.

It is important to note the openness and kindness of the representatives from Rivervial, Inhospan, Lucart Ibérica, Friosol, Panda Rojo, the Faculty of Tourism – Malaga University (UMA), Metalu, Valoriani, Macrun, Genuix, and Cositt. Thank you to everyone for your time.

One of the most interesting aspects of this event were the presentations at H&T Innova area, we enjoyed the one from El Corte Inglés related to cases of success in hotel renovation and the one from Miele Professional related to their history and products.

From Jensen Localization, we want to offer our translation and localization services to improve and increase your commercial activities. We have more than 18 years of experience that guarantee our services. Contact us for a quotation.

Events, Jensen Localization, Networking, Translation

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