TAUS Review Magazine #4. Innovation in the translation industry.


13 August, 2015


At Jensen Localization we put great value into sharing developments and new technologies within the translation and localization industry, and for that reason we want to tell you about the 4th and latest issue of TAUS Review Magazine, focused on innovation in the translation industry.

When you talk about innovation many questions may arise, such as where should the money come from, as R&D can be very expensive. This question is partially answered in this issue, with an article about the importance of governmental support to innovation within the translation industry, mostly concerning machine translation.

Innovation is the future, and efforts are made all over the world to develop and find new ways of doing things. To get a glimpse into how they do it in Asia and Africa you might want to read this issue.

Talking about Asia there is one specific development we find extremely interesting – Neural machine translation. This is where machine translation tries to imitate how human translators do their jobs. If we look at Africa, particularly Ethiopia, the issue here is the gap between and within language communities, which is only getting bigger and bigger. While this is happening there might still be a possibility that the translation industry will revive and become a booming business in the country. You can read how in the article.

Another focus in the review is the different perspectives of innovation in the translation industry. Here you will get a better understanding of the perspectives of journalists, the language itself, translators and the research community.

If we go back to machine translation (MT), like mentioned before, it is still something that needs to be developed further within many different areas. Intel IT has managed to use MT to translate knowledgebase content since 2007, but because of the high costs and complexity very little tests have been made for Multilanguage MT comparisons. Now, Intel IT has recently completed a study using Unmoderated Remote Usability Testing (URUT) software to assess the users’ acceptance level.

To learn more about URUT and innovation within the translation and language industry, please follow this link to read the TAUS Review magazine #4.

Remember that machine translation is just one of the many services we offer at Jensen Localization. Feel free to contact us if you need translation, localization, editing or any other language service.

Machine Translation, TAUS, Translation

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