Summary of 2016


9 January, 2017

Summary 2016

Believe it or not, another year has passed and we are in 2017. We still do not have flying cars, nor humanoids that can take over our jobs, we did not fix our pollution and overpopulation issues, man did not land on Mars, we do not have social control via electronic devices… or do we?

Yet another year has passed we are, more than ever, prepared to face the challenges ahead.

But first a review of our 2016 blog.

During the Costa del Sol cold winter we were discussing blunders from big brands at Brands, language, and culture. We showed you samples of how a business or product name can create some confusion, if not properly set in the proper cultural context.

At the beginning of the beautiful and blooming Andalusian spring, we described how Danish and Spanish companies can be great business partners at Translation and Business between Danish and Spanish companies. Because what one lacks the other has!

In April there was a historic celebration, the 400th anniversary of the death of Cervantes and Shakespeare, and as we are Translation and Literature enthusiasts we wrote a wonderful article about this in our blog.

Right at the beginning of the summer, we celebrated that one of the first persons to be hired at Jensen Localization Benelux reached 12.5 years with us! In the localization industry and in our fast changing world this is a huge merit. Happy Jubilee, Hendrika!

During the hottest summer days we were discussing air conditioning systems of cars and we realized that there are huge vocabulary differences in car manuals for various Spanish speaking countries. If you want to learn more you can read this article: Automotive Translations – Latin American Spanish equals LAS? When translating, remember that there is no one Spanish for all and all for one Spanish, but a lot of countries that speak Spanish with huge regional differences.

As usually summer brought lots of tourism to Costa del Sol and e-commerce sites flourished to provide services. But to be successful you need to know a few Tips for localizing e-commerce sites.

During the last month of the summer, we started thinking about the October Medical devices event in Munich looking back to all the projects we have worked on in this field. Our experience taught us that Medical devices and localization are indeed a strategic tandem.

In September we also celebrated A day to honor translators and interpreters all over the world. As the 30th September is the International Translation Day.

Autumn arrived with more time to spend at home. Nothing better than sitting on the sofa with a warm blanket and some Web-based Casual Games: Easy to Play but Difficult to Translate to enjoy the indoor time.

The colder weather brought more work and even more staff were hired at Jensen Localization, included yours truly. If you are curious about my personal background you should read our article: Meet our new Business Development Manager, Nicolás M. Fontana.

Or maybe you are worried about health as many illnesses usually are related to cold weather, and illness requires medical devices for their cure. That is why I was at the Munich MDIP 2016 looking for The Experts’ Opinion on Health Care Localization.

Most probably you will be a bit tired of our articles at this point. But keep on reading because we are about to tell you the secret of success… indeed it is what you thought! Unity Makes Strength!

To crown our 2016! We visited the NTIF, which this time was organized in Malmö to better know The Translation Landscape in Northern Europe to prepare ourselves for winter time.

As every year, we once again welcomed Saint Nicholas in Poland and the Three Kings in Spain and spent time with our families following traditions related to Christmas time. Remember, celebrations are also to be taken seriously, and remember that in China they do not celebrate Christmas, which is why languages specialist like us are important to set your translations to the right cultural background.

We hope that you enjoyed reading our blog and that you found useful tips to help you succeed in your business and personal life. If you would like to give us your opinion, if you have questions or any other type of requests please contact us! At Jensen Localization we would like to wish you a successful and prosperous 2017!

Culture, International Business, Jensen Localization, Localization, Networking, Summary, Technology, Translation

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