LocWorld37 – Warsaw, Poland
22 June, 2018

Jensen Localization was there visiting clients and providers and meeting new potential collaborators.
A well-organized event in one of the most luxurious venues in Warsaw, the Hilton Hotel.
Thumbs up for the organizers. However, this was the reason why the entrance was very expensive.
It is important that events are affordable so not only big companies can participate, but also translators and people who are new to the industry.
Warsaw is a wonderful city with plenty of options to organize an event of this characteristics. Almost destroyed during the Second World War, the city was rebuilt. Throughout the 20th century and after overcoming several social, economic and political obstacles, it is once again reaching the splendor that once gave the city the nickname Paris of the North.
Going back to LocWorld37, we would like to thank SDL and Moravia for the networking events.
During day one, the conference had several interesting presentations that are worthy to mention:
– Is a Merger Right for Me?
By Kimon Fountoukidis, Anna Pietruszka and Christian Arno.
– Life, Work and Play in the Times of Accelerated DigitaIization.
By Inma Martinez.
– Beat the Burnout — and Find Your Flow.
By Andrew Lawless, Florian Sachse.
– Leveraging Artificial Intelligence in the Localization Workflow.
By Max Lobanov, João Graca, Aleš Tamchyna, Ph.D., Britta Aagaard, Christel W.K. Gouas and David Talbot.
– How Social Media Is Transforming the Way We Work.
By Inger Larsen, Jeannette Stewart, Gregor Kneitz and Tetyana Bruevich.
We would like to explain each of them in detail, but we have a limited space in our blog, so please, contact us for more information.

The key facts of this event were:
- Make alliances for success and survival.
- Be aware of the changes, adapt and find ways to make the changes beneficial and not an obstacle.
- AI is here to stay, in most of our industry events this is a repetitive subject, but we do not have to fear it but understand it. It is here to help us not to enslave us.
- Social Media is very important, but remember you are alive! Do not base your life on social media interaction only, go out and meet people, live!
- Remember if you are looking for a partner in the translation and localization industry or are willing to open a Jensen Localization franchise, contact us!