Jensen Localization Spain 10th anniversary
27 May, 2017

10 years has gone by since Jensen Localization opened the Spanish branch in Fuengirola. Being a Dutch/Danish company we faced many challenges but we overcame them all, and our Spanish branch now works in close harmony with our Dutch office. The Spanish office turned out to be a great asset for Jensen Localization and we are very pleased to be present at Costa del Sol as well.
We are planning to celebrate this anniversary on the 23rd of June 2017 at 17:00 in our office in Salvador Cortés street nº1, 1st floor, Fuengirola, Spain.
In our Spanish team there are plenty of skilled and hard working members, some of them have been here since the very beginning.
Manuel Blanquet was one of the first to be hired at Jensen Localization Spain 10 years ago.

At that time, we had a small office in Fuengirola. Nowadays we have an office that triples the original one in size.

Manuel was hired as IT manager and he has grown professionally with us, and our company has grown thanks to his commitment solving our IT and software development issues.

Manuel took some time to share some information about him.
What is your origin?
I was born in La Línea, Cádiz but moved to Málaga in order to study Computer Science at the University of Málaga in the year 2000.
Did you always want to become an IT Manager or did it happen as a coincidence?
Well, I always wanted to work in IT but didn’t think much about becoming a Manager or any position with high responsibility, to be honest. Just wanted to work in any IT related position.
Did you start working for JL right after finishing your studies or did you gain experience from other jobs?
Prior to Jensen I worked as a Junior Systems Administrator and even as a teacher, amongst other jobs.
What are the pros and cons about being an IT Manager?
Hmm, not sure if pros and cons really but different tasks due to the responsibility of being a Manager. As I understand this position, a Manager has less technical work and more administrative work, deal with salesmen, colleagues and so on. I think that as a Manager your main task is to make sure that everything in your department is working as it should.
What is the most important element to you when working with clients?
I don’t deal with clients usually but with salesmen and occasionally with providers and freelancers. I think respect is the key when working with others.
Do you communicate with the staff from the other JL departments and locations?
Yes, I do. One of the IT tasks is to give support to everyone in the company and sometimes even to our collaborators.
What advice would you give a new IT Manager working in the same business as you?
I don’t like to give advice but I would say that, no matter what your job position is, it is important that you are working on something you really like.
Thank you very much, Manuel, for your time and for sharing a part of your life with us.

At Jensen Localization we are happy to see people staying with us, adopting our values, overcoming problems, developing and becoming part of this multinational family.
Sto Lat! (A hundred years in Polish!) For Jensen Localization Spain and Manuel.