9th Forum of Urban Intelligence and Sustainability

Jensen Localization participated in the 9th edition of the Greencities, Forum of Urban Intelligence and Sustainability, that took place on the 25th and 26th of April 2018.

Greencities is an event that connects all the businesses involved in Smart Cities development. It is the place to network and to talk about the future. It is the event where sustainable products and ideas merge to create the smart cities of the future.

At this event, we were able to see many different revolutionary ideas from the usual electric powered vehicles to underground trash collecting systems.

Electric cars Greencities 2018
Eco friendly cleaning vehicles at Greencities 2018.

There was a very interesting presentation from a member of the government of Peru. His presentation was about the development of one of Peru’s coastal cities, and how they are coping with the challenges of turning this city into a green city.

Greencities 2018 Peru-Magdalena del Mar
Carbon footprint. Magdalena del Mar. Peru.


You can find more interesting information about this event on their website: www.greencities.malaga.eu/en/.

In addition, this event had a great advantage for the foreign attendees as they could be provided with simultaneous interpretation through the GLOBALEVENT APP, which they were able to install on their own device (smartphone or tablet, either Android or iOs).

On this year, Greencities had representatives from the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe and from the University of Algarve, Portugal, to name a few.

In 2019 it is planned that the event will reinforce their international content with participants representing universities and institutions from the United Kingdom, Portugal, and Italy.

This is a clear indicator of the necessity of having a translation partner to keep on spreading these types of events, and new ideas for greener solutions around Europe and the world.

At Jensen Localization we are ready to be your translation partner to take your green solution to build a smarter, greener and brighter future.

Contact us for more information.

Events, International Business, Networking, Technology, Translation

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